This project has contributed to an understanding of how cross-sensory learning aids such as globes can be developed for blind and low-vision learners. My findings from the initial interviews and from the co-design sessions resulted in the development of a tactile-sonic globe that provides information about the concrete structure of the Earth (spatial features such as landforms, elevations, topography, shapes, relative sizes and so on ) as well as the abstract properties of such structures (such as the names of countries and continents). Preliminary evaluations  indicate that this globe allowed blind and low-vision people to gain better mental picture of the World.

As a first step towards building cross-sensory learning aids, there are several opportunities for improving my work. In future iterations, it would be helpful to have a larger group of people involved in the co-design sessions to determine other possible uses cases of a globe. In addition, I would also like to investigate the potential benefits of my simple prototyping techniques for a wider audience by making downloadable 3D files available for 3D printing in combination with audio labels through public DIY platforms such as 'Instructables'. I strongly believe that this is the first step in building more inclusive geography learning aids.
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